When I started working on women's history about thirty years ago, the field did not exist. People didn't think that women had a history worth knowing.
—Gerda Lerner, Women and History (1986; 1993)
Thanks to our fore mothers who helped shape our history women today are no longer invisible in historical texts. Today there is a growing number of women that are being part of society by entering the work force and helping people. Women today are given the opportunities to get paid for their work, vote for their leaders, and be official citizens of the United States.
In the 1920s millions of American women were given the right to vote
On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified allowing women the right to vote and for the first time, like men, have the responsibilities of a citizen. Additionally, in the 1920s the Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor was formed to collect information and ensure the safety of women in the work force.

Maybe it started with the “We Can Do It” campaign; during World War II women were vital and recruited in order to keep the United States economy running. Public campaigns were held everywhere encouraging women who never held a job before to enter the workforce. This incorporated the feminist ideals that we have today. Roise Riveter dressed in overalls and a bandanna represented the symbol a strong patriotic woman.
However, the campaign for women’s suffrage began before the civil war. The idea of having a “true” woman was one that is exclusively at home, a submissive wife, and cares for the children has transformed. Today there are many women world leaders that are looked up to everyday for their charisma and outcome. From politicians to movie stars and corporate workers, a woman’s role in society today is evolving to something other than just male dominance. In addition, women veterans equal 10% of 22 million veterans.
Just as history was made, we also need to remember that we can still make history.